We have no religion, only superstitions! Advanced Corona with aliens and the advanced primitive humans! See you soon 2120 - LIFE OF EXISTENCE
Over a period of time the earth will begin to lose leaders who are ripe to lead them from one generation to the next, so that for a period of time the earth will be like the haunt of living human beings without knowing what to do. From that time onwards, the whole earth will become a people attacking with stones and sticks like the primitive people. By then, alien civilization may have occurred on Earth. By then, it remains a mystery what aliens will do to humans on Earth. We have to upgrade ourselves every day like a software update .Man has gone a long way in misconceptions and superstitions .We have to think about life after death too . For example, Jesus is just an ordinary human being like us. He told us through his life that there is life , and that he sacrificed his life for the sinful society of that day. He thought of himself as a primitive man . He sent many people to share his experiences with the whole world . It was only later that it became a religion .There ...