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Showing posts with the label BOOKS READING

Importance of sex education in the world, The girls are going with everyone who sees ! ISIS TERRORIST - PROTECT YOUR KIDS - LIFEOFEXISTENCE

Marriage is an important moment in the life of any person. In the new digital world, personal relationships and values ​​are changing. Interracial and extramarital affairs have been on the rise during this period. Understand that parents see and their children learn everything. From a young age, more and more children are addicted to pornographic videos and addicted to perverted sexual acts when it comes to sex. The kids are still going past, but never coming to the present so they are losing themselves. Especially in India, there is a growing need for a proper sex education for school children. The girls are going with everyone who sees. Our children have excessive sexual feelings, which can lead to their ruin. Children do not know what love and affection are.Understand that the current trend is for someone to get married, while at the same time telling someone else about sex and the rest of the arts. The boys who dared only for this have taken over as a job! Even young children in g...


 HOW TO MAKE A BETTER WORLD Every human being spends on earth with different mentality. Some people approach things just the right way. Some people, in particular, have no loyalty to their own will. Imagine how beautiful our society would be if everyone looked at and thought of everything with the respect and respect that each person deserves. One thing that is influenced by the character evolution of each person is the education they receive from an early age. In addition, a person is influenced by what is around him and what he sees and hears. Our society is going through a variety of motivations, such as torture, murder and theft.All of this is because a man is not educated like a wild man in person. Thus a part of our society is filled with murderers and perpetrators. That means one side can laugh at mother and sister, and wild men on the other! The society is in a state of disrepair that no one can discern what is good and what is bad. The presence of such people is very...